Thursday, 19 May 2011

An Introduction

Admittedly, I have never known the purpose of a blog, whether people simply create them for the purpose of ranting and raving at something they despise, or even something they care about, or just so they have the downright human pleasure of expressing themselves, something I can most certainly agree with.

So, to business then, what might I wish to talk about in a blog? Let's see, I have a devout interest in all forms of 'heavy' music, an almost religious obsession with games and the simple human fascination with good manners and cleanliness. Why not? It's simple things such as saying please and thank you that I believe should be taught to all walks of life. If only chavs would listen...

Oh well, why linger on something that's not going to happen? For the moment, I'll concentrate on games and music and that sort of thing. Oh, and before I dare to forget, I am a member of a youth publication called 'Yatta!' Remember this name, we'll be huge one day, not that we aren't reasonably big right now. A big shout-out to our editor Nik and all members of the Yatta! Team.

Well, expect a review or two at some point soon. I do enjoy writing reviews, it could be said that it's my speciality, that and an uncanny ability to know when I'm being watched, like Predator or something. The first one you'll see will be a comparison and expectation review examining the Mass Effect video game series.

On a side note, the song I was listening to whilst writing this was Blood Bound by Hammerfall. Check them out, it's Power Metal at it's best. Thanks for reading, and look forward to what's yet to come, you will not be disappointed.

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